Monday 10 October 2011

Within my questionnaire I mostly ask six form pupils and only asking 1 year 7 pupils.  On question 2 the pupils preferred the best   master head to be student weekly with 4 pupils picking this and there least likely one to be schools in with one person liking this.
This left 3 pupils picking khs gossip. In the third question people seem to only like two of the 4 magazines to read. This was a sports Magazine with 5 people picking it then a gossip magazine with 3 people picking it. Throughout the fourth question people mainly preferred the slogan of behind closed doors With 5 people liking it. They also seemed to like teacher’s secrets with 3 people liking it. One person seemed to like surviving 1st term. On the 5th question pupils believe
they would like the colours gold and  black on the school website with 7 people liking it. There was only 1 person who seemed to like the colure of red and green. Question six asked people what pictures they would like on there school magazine 2 people believed a sports team and 6 liked the 6 request of having a six former the front of a school magazine. Throughout the question the majority of the people were male and only 1 was female.
Question eight was asking people what stories would you like to read in the magazine. The most popular was 6th form facilitates with 8 people seeing a liking it. Sporting success was also popular with seven people wanting to have that. The least popular was canteen food with no likes.     Question 9 taught me that the pupils questioned about how often they read magazines, mostly read magazines monthly. Only one person reads weekly .One person also only reads daily. In the last question I asked, would you like to buy a school magazine, within this question it was a split decision.