Monday 12 December 2011

mission statement

Dominic’s new magazine emceeing is a music magazine of the genre rap.  Emceeing will combine off the block new artists, intriguing insights on the artists behind the music, including reviews to give our own thought within 
the artists, imitating the language of the 21st century teenager.

Emceeing is mainly aimed at the male teenager around the age of 16-19, but also giving some insights on female artists to add some female interest to the magazine. Emceeing readers are enlightened and informed 
with the music having a serious impact on their lifestyle.

Emceeing contains all elements to the boys youth cultures life today including clothing, gaming, music sights, iPod's  girls and sports. Emceeing is an up to the date music magazine serious about the music, including up the style of language of the 21st century youth.

Emceeing will patronise and it will preach. Giving credit to the artists in whom they believe has earn it and who hasn’t. 

Emceeing role in its readers lives is to inform, entertain and to bring out the personality and free will of youth culture to inspire them to go onto better things.

Monday 5 December 2011

reader profile

Male – 80%
Female – 20 %
Average age- 16-19
Still studying – 90 %
Work full time-10 %
In the last 12 months emceeing readers have bought on average
32 albums
35 singles
75% of albums are downloaded
90 % of singles are downloaded
70 % own an iPod or an mp3 pl35 singles
75% of albums are downloaded
90 % of singles are downloaded
70 % own an iPod or an mp3 player
30 % own a cd player
70 % own a digital radio
Gigs and events
65 % go to gigs regularly
50 % go to at least 1 festival per year
70 % believe music has a big impact on their lives
80 % believe reviews are able to see beyond the promotion if an artist
90 % agree they like to listen to new artists