Saturday 5 May 2012

Overview of magazine

In conclusion to my evaluation I do have a few regrets regarding the style of my magazine. I also regret that I went to mainstream on the layout of the article and content page in copying Q. I believe I could have created my own style of layout that would associate with the genre of rap. Although I do think my 3 magazine pages were a success as they bring out my genre of rap very well, especially within the photos I took. I also believe my photos bring out the social attitudes of my target audience. I also believe my master head was the vocal point of the magazine by giving the impression that it is rap magazine. I believe my colour scheme went well with the style of the magazine. I also believe the words i have written in the magazine are very true to the youth culture, and i know the youth culture can associate themselves with this magazine. If i were to do the magzine again i would consentrate alot more on my resaerch and analysis i would also pick a more mainstream genre.

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