Friday 11 November 2011

My finished product of the front cover for my school magazine has come out very pleasing. It may have come out pleasing but the making of my front cover was far from it. This is evident within my first attempt. My main image was very successful as I have gone for a 2shot medium close up of two 6th form pupil’s one boy and one girl. I adapted this photo with a picture of the millennium stadium giving of an sporting environment I went for a bright colour scheme as most of my words were white or yellow. Looking at my two drafts I noticed that the layout of the front cover was pretty dull I embraced this and made it more in common with the layout of other magazines. If I were to do this  again I would first improve on my timed schedule for example not leaving it to the last day, second I would think more about were I should take the photo. The third and final substance in which I would improve on is to add more photos to the sale-lines and make the photos good for my target audience.

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