Monday 28 November 2011

what i need to think about for my front image on my music magazine

  1. ·        Colour scheme
  2. ·        Clothing- costumes
  3. ·        Lighting
  4. ·        Camera shot
  5. ·        Camera angle
  6. ·        Background- (doesnt match with colure of writing or main image )
  7. ·        Props
  8. ·        Hair & Make-up
  9. ·        Shot distance
  10. ·        Composition
  11. ·        Number of models
  12. ·        The genre of magazine
  13. ·        Representation- gender, age, music
  14. ·        Pose
  15. ·        Setting- interior
  16. ·        Model on cover represents audience
  17. ·        Take at least 5 shots

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