Saturday 5 May 2012

Overview of magazine

In conclusion to my evaluation I do have a few regrets regarding the style of my magazine. I also regret that I went to mainstream on the layout of the article and content page in copying Q. I believe I could have created my own style of layout that would associate with the genre of rap. Although I do think my 3 magazine pages were a success as they bring out my genre of rap very well, especially within the photos I took. I also believe my photos bring out the social attitudes of my target audience. I also believe my master head was the vocal point of the magazine by giving the impression that it is rap magazine. I believe my colour scheme went well with the style of the magazine. I also believe the words i have written in the magazine are very true to the youth culture, and i know the youth culture can associate themselves with this magazine. If i were to do the magzine again i would consentrate alot more on my resaerch and analysis i would also pick a more mainstream genre.

Friday 4 May 2012

Question evaluation

Music magazine evaluation

  1. What do you associate with the name (masthead) of the magazine?
Rap     7
Youth people    3
Old fashioned music

  1. What does the main image make you think of?
      Moody teen 4
      Rapper 3
      Serious about there music 3  
      Someone laughing

  1. Which of the cover stories do you think is the most interesting?
One Pac 21st anniversary 2
Biggy small’s exclusive tour 4
50 Quid speaks out 4

  1. Is the front cover appealing?
Yes 8
             No 2

  1. Which of the following age groups do you think the magazine appeals to?
a)  12-15 years olds 4
b)  16-18 year’s olds 6
c) 19-24 year’s olds
d) 25-35 years olds
e) 36 +

6. Which gender do you think my magazine is targeting?
.male 7
.male and female 3

  1. Which genre of music do you associate with the cover of the magazine?
  A) Pop
b) R&B 4
c) Dance
D) Rap 6
e) Indie
f) Other

Contents page

       8 Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?

        9 Is the contents page attractive to look at?
         Yes 6
         No 4

        10 Does the contents page resemble a page from a music magazine?
         Y            es 10

Double page spread

     11, is the content of the article of interest to you? Please give a reason.
       Yes     7
        No 3


         12 Does the headline make you want to read the article?
           No 6

13. Does the main picture represent the content of the article successfully?
      Yes   9
      No 1

14. How would you rate the layout of the article? Please circle a number:
                                                    Bad< 1 2 3 4  5>Good
                                                                 1 4 5
15 Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?
   .yes 5
   .no 5

16. How would you rate overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? Please circle a number?
                                                       Bad< 1 2 3 4 5>Good


7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?



1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

front cover

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Sunday 29 April 2012

Other images for content page

1st two subsidery images for content page

main image for content page


Convergence means bringing two or more functions into one product for example a mobile phone,ipad .
The advantage of this is that you can do more than one thing on it and get more out of the product.Multiplatform brands are also an example of convergence such as the Internet, radio, TV and magazines. This is why within my magazine i have to advertise a website. 
 The reason why music magazines don't discourage convergance is because of they didnt imbrace it they would loose alot of its audiance  

4th draft of article

Subsidery image for Article

3rd draft of magazine article

In this draft i have included the subsidery article also adding two sub titles as you casn seee at the top of the page and a subsidery image in the bottom of the page. My next obejective is to add two photos to the article.

2nd draft of article

first draft of article

First drawing drafts

These two drafts are for me to figure out what kind of layout i want for my magazine for example how many pictures am i going to be putting in rather than the style of the magazine. The draft above is a lot like the kerrang layout but the draft below is a lot like Q.

Saturday 28 April 2012

This magazine does not have the amount of images as the othr two magazines do. Or the navigation for the reader isn’t clearly visible o use. But what I do like about this magazine is it goes with my target audience and the style of my music magazine.

I also find this magazine very appealing as this magazine has the features and every thing else on the right side with the title this week. This means it’s an up to the date magazine and it has this weeks news. There only appears to be 4 features. There are 13 images within the magazine the numbers on the content page are clearly sable making it easy for the read to navigate through the magazine.

content analysis

The purpose of a contents page is to give the reader an idea of other stories and information within the magazine and what page numbers you can find it on.So it can be used as a navigation tool for the magazine.
This Content page is very appealing to me because the numbers stand out very clearly and separating the features and the regulars makes it also clearer to read. The Features are on the left side of the page and the regulars on the right. The title is located at the top with the q symbol next to it. On this page there appears to be 7 features. There are 9 images used on the contents page. The main image is a picture of a carton and it also has the largest number on it indicating it is the article they most want to be read.

Thursday 1 March 2012

The main image of this article is very good by I would criticise the layout as you can see the writing is being pushed over to the write of the page and it does look abit squashed unlike the one below. The title is very good also the subtitle. In this article there seems to be a wider range of colours this makes the article look nice and gets the readers attention. The logos are on the top left and right. There also seems to be subsidery images in the middle of the article.

Article analysis

I like the look f this article due to the layout of it. As you can see the writing is fitted very smartly around the photo. This ensures the writing to be more spread out and not bunched into one section. It is a very smart colour scheme going with blue, red and black, and very smartly putting in a faded blue background. The q sign is smartly put on the top left and the title of the article and band being below the brand.

Monday 27 February 2012

second draft of article

Main article
Get rich or try dying

6 months since the release of his highly rated album “Guess who’s back” 50 strides into the grounds of Columbian records, noticeably walking past some of the biggest artist in the Hip-hop industry. 50 greets rap star, label boss and hip hop king ping professor dre with a friendly handshake and says the words “wasup dog”. He then moves with swagger into his new office and drops himself into his leather armchair as he shows us his new album of “Get rich or try dying”, ready for release in a week.
10 years ago it wasn’t all luxury for Curtis Jackson. Born on the mean streets of Croydon, he was motherless at the age of 15 and living in a broke down flat. Curtis tells us “My mother was my inspiration to music when she died I had nothing and lost my love for music”. He was paying for his flat by selling crack and thieving up state houses.
This criminal life finally caught up with Curtis Jackson and he was finally sentenced to four years of jail for the distribution of drugs. During this sentence Curtis Jackson reinserted his himself with the love of music. Telling me “Prison might have been hell but it inspired me to write my first single of “Shut em up”. When Curtis Jackson was release on the 30th January 2004 he didn’t just leave behind a life of crime but generated a new name. This name was to be 50 quid. Months after leaving prison, 50 quid’s sell mate and now manager introduced him to Jay Records. His first album of “shut em up” was a hit selling around 500,000 copies. It wasn’t all smiles for 50 quid; even though 50 had left the criminal life behind, it wasn’t too happy about leaving him. On the eve of getting ready to produce his new single “Power of the Dollar”, he was shot.
50 quid suffered 9 bullet wounds spending 6 months in physical therapy to recover. 50 said “I thought this was the end maybe there is a purpose in life for me”. During the end of his treatment 50 was able to right his new album of “Guess who’s back”. This was 50s biggest hit to date selling around 2 million copies world wide heading straight to number one in 4 different countries. Due to this large selling other artist really took notice of 50 and seen him as a threat in the rapping world. Artist like dr green and professor dre described his single as incredible and it will be something to live up to. Professor Dre even went and personally brought him over to the USA to get him signed by his label Columbian records. 5o quid has been presented with a $1 million record deal and in 1 week will be presenting the world with his new album get rich or try dying.
50 quid tells us how his life was the inspiration behind his new album of “Get rich try Dying” telling me “to get a head in life you need to do anything you can no object or person should stop you not even the law, you get me G” .Getting first hand experience when 50 let us listen to the track of “Get rich try dying”, I can honestly say it is incredible and it will be going down in the history of the rapping world. I personally recommend you to purchase this album in a week today as I will be one of the first in line to purchase this newly generated album to the music industry. 50 and label boss professor dre believe this album is going to make 50 a legend, it is better than anything out there. So a week today make history and buy this album as I will be joining you.

Subsidiary Article
“Man or machine” says Reggie Yates.
“50 Quid is the most hyped up rap artist in about a decade. He is taking rap to a new level, the single of Get rich or try dying has a dark synth grooves, buzzy keyboards and a persistently funky bounce” with Jackson complementing the production in “an unflappable, laid-back flow. He is relating to the methods of other artist like y-unit. 50 Quid has also had an extraordinary life in doing what ever it takes to earn a living, beating the most inhumanly obstacles and coming out on top. 5o Quid has a huge part in the history of the rapping world and I believe we will be seeing many more of him as he will be revisiting the UK on his world wide tour. This tour will be installing his new album of “get rich try dying” and it should not be missed.

First draft of article

Main article
Get Rich or Try Dying
Get ahead or Get dead

Born on the mean streets of Croydon, Curtis Jackson (50 Quid) was born into a life of hardship and misery. Curtis Jackson Inherited a love of music from his mother, Sabrina Jackson but this wasn’t the only thing he had inherited. At the age of 15 his late mother passed away (reasons are unexpected). Due to this tragic event at such a young age Curtis Jackson wasn’t able to buy the clothing his mother had provided for him. This forced Curtis Jackson to follow his mother’s footsteps into a life of crime, spending hour’s on street corners selling crack and raiding houses for thievery, doing what ever it takes to get a head in life.

On the 5th of January 1999 Curtis Jackson was arrested for the distribution of drugs. Within this sentence Curtis Jackson dedicated his time to his rapping career. Telling us he was able to create his “first album in the joint of Shut em up”. When He was released on the 30th January 2004 he didn’t just leave behind a life of crime but generated a new name. This name was to be 50 Quid meaning new beginnings. Months after leaving prison 50 Quid’s cell mate and now manager introduced him to jay records. His first Album of “Shut Em Up” was a hit selling around 500,000 copies. But it wasn’t all smiles for 50 Quid. Even though it looked like he had left his life of crime behind him it wasn’t too happy to leave him. As on the eve of getting ready to produce his new single of “power of the dollar” he was shot.
50 Quid suffered 10 months in hospital and endless physical therapy. 50 told us “I Thought this was the End,”. During the end of his rehab 50 Quid was able to write and later on produce his new single “Get Rich or Try Dying”. This was a huge hit selling over 2 million copies world wide, heading straight to number 1 in 4 different countries. Due to this large selling other artist decided to jump on the 50 rapwaggen or others decided to criticize it. As Rappers of Jay-y and kanye North described it as misleading to the youth generation. Other artist like dr green and professor dre called it incredible. Professor Dre even went personally and brought 50 over to the USA to get him signed by his label of Columbian records.
50 cent has been presented with a $1 million deal with the record label and there are even talks about him getting his own label but he doesn’t want to go into to much detail.

Subsidiary Article
“Man or machine” says Reggie Yates.

“50 Quid is the most hyped up rap artist in about a decade. He is taking rap to a new level, the single of Get rich or try dying has a dark synth grooves, buzzy keyboards and a persistently funky bounce" with Jackson complementing the production in "an unflappable, laid-back flow. He is relating to the methods of other artist like y-unit. 50 Quid has also had an extraordinary life in doing what ever it takes to earn a living, beating the most inhumanly obstacles and coming out on top. 5o Quid has a huge part in the history of the rapping world and I believe we will be seeing many more of him ….

Music magazine front cover

Sunday 19 February 2012

Things i wish to impove on my second draft of my front cover

When I redraft my music magazine on the computer I wish to Change the colour scheme to white, red, and black. Rather than using so many colours as it makes it look a little bit messy. Transform the title of EMCEEING TO MCING. Get rid of this as the image isn’t making the front cover look any better. Also Change the layout of the magazine due to the writing obscuring the image.

First draft using magazine on computer