Monday 12 December 2011

mission statement

Dominic’s new magazine emceeing is a music magazine of the genre rap.  Emceeing will combine off the block new artists, intriguing insights on the artists behind the music, including reviews to give our own thought within 
the artists, imitating the language of the 21st century teenager.

Emceeing is mainly aimed at the male teenager around the age of 16-19, but also giving some insights on female artists to add some female interest to the magazine. Emceeing readers are enlightened and informed 
with the music having a serious impact on their lifestyle.

Emceeing contains all elements to the boys youth cultures life today including clothing, gaming, music sights, iPod's  girls and sports. Emceeing is an up to the date music magazine serious about the music, including up the style of language of the 21st century youth.

Emceeing will patronise and it will preach. Giving credit to the artists in whom they believe has earn it and who hasn’t. 

Emceeing role in its readers lives is to inform, entertain and to bring out the personality and free will of youth culture to inspire them to go onto better things.

Monday 5 December 2011

reader profile

Male – 80%
Female – 20 %
Average age- 16-19
Still studying – 90 %
Work full time-10 %
In the last 12 months emceeing readers have bought on average
32 albums
35 singles
75% of albums are downloaded
90 % of singles are downloaded
70 % own an iPod or an mp3 pl35 singles
75% of albums are downloaded
90 % of singles are downloaded
70 % own an iPod or an mp3 player
30 % own a cd player
70 % own a digital radio
Gigs and events
65 % go to gigs regularly
50 % go to at least 1 festival per year
70 % believe music has a big impact on their lives
80 % believe reviews are able to see beyond the promotion if an artist
90 % agree they like to listen to new artists

Monday 28 November 2011

what i need to think about for my front image on my music magazine

  1. ·        Colour scheme
  2. ·        Clothing- costumes
  3. ·        Lighting
  4. ·        Camera shot
  5. ·        Camera angle
  6. ·        Background- (doesnt match with colure of writing or main image )
  7. ·        Props
  8. ·        Hair & Make-up
  9. ·        Shot distance
  10. ·        Composition
  11. ·        Number of models
  12. ·        The genre of magazine
  13. ·        Representation- gender, age, music
  14. ·        Pose
  15. ·        Setting- interior
  16. ·        Model on cover represents audience
  17. ·        Take at least 5 shots

Music fan profile

Rapping Ryan

Age – 16- 25

What is he wearing- wearing a chain necklace with baggy jeans, baggy top and a puffy jacket, also wearing a snap back hat, the same as da boys in the hood.   

Listening to- 50 cent, eminem, game, lil Wayne listening to the rap of the 20th century.  

Wants to be- rapper mixing it up with a bit of r and b and doing covers for singers like Rihanna, Ne-yo and Chris brown.

Find him-    Chilling with his homies in da urban city club, waiting for his chance to shine in a freestyle rap battle.  

Friday 25 November 2011

Analysis of magazine front covers

This masthead is hard to see due to the main image of the magazine. The main image of the magazine is a medium close up of a rapper. Within the photo the editor has focused on the clothing and the pose of the artist. This editor has made the photo with a series pose. The magazine has also concentrated on the background and not matching it with colourer scheme of white and the photo itself. The slogan of the magazine seems to be across the bottom of the page. The main story is not too long but short and very effective.  The layout of the design seems to have the sill lines down the right, and then it seems to have the subsidiary images down the left. The target audience of this magazine would be 15 +.

The masthead of this image is distracted by the main image. The main image is a mid shot of a man. The editor has again concentrated on the pose and the clothing. The clothing of the artist is matching with the genre of the magazine, they have done this through a flat cap and long jewellry, also doing a pose of being very serious. The layout of the magazine  is the two sell lines are on the top of the magazine and the susidery images are on the bottom. The sell lines mostluy include famouse artists for the genre.

evaluation of questionnaire


Within my questionnaire I asked 10 people. I asked 4 girls and 6 boys all from the 6 form area. At the beginning of the questionnaire I wanted to know which music magazine they like. The options were between Q which had one tick, NME and VIBE which shared two ticks and with 4 ticks and most popular was top of the pops. This is understandable as top of the pops is mainly a feminine magazine and the others are relatively masculine magazines.  My next question was to ask them, what minded target audience should I focus at, the ages of 10-15 and 30+ had no consideration. The answers were mostly focused on 15-20 and 20-30 sharing all the votes. This next question was to help me understand a criteria for my future magazine in which masthead should I go for. The options involve CMR which shared 2 ticks, pops leading with 4 ticks leaving soul and drop a rhyme with 1 vote each. Not all but most magazines involve a slogan the slogans in which I came up with were music with the soul and feel the rhythm with 1 person liking them each. Also first generation rhymes and rapping with the 21st century sharing 2 votes. This means leaving the most popular slogan with, tunes all around us with 4 ticks.   A magazine front cover must have a certain colour scheme to match with the environment the front cover tries to make the magazine release. The colours which i went for are white and blue which had 3 ticks, pink and yellow involving 4 ticks leaving red and black with 2 ticks and white and black with 1 vote. My last but 1 question involves me asking which main sell line the audience would prefer. These sell lines varied from 50 quid speaks out and the found reunited with 2 ticks each. Also involving, kangaroo’s first generation band and Fake that split leading with 3 ticks. My last question was beyond music and a magazine. This involves video games and computer sites sharing 2 votes , sports and movies equalling 1 vote each. Leaving 4 votes with fashion. 


1Are you male or female


2 Which music magazine do you like?

Top of the pops

3 What minded target audience do you think i should target at?


4 Which masthead do you prefer?


5 Which slogan do you prefer?

Rapping with the 21st century
Music within the soul
Feel the rhythm
First generation rhymes
Tunes all around us
6 What colour would you like the magazine to be?

White +blue
Pink +yellow
Red +black
White, blue, black

7 What main image doo you ant on the front of magazine?

Boy band
Girl band

8 what subsidiary images do you want on the front of the magazine?


9 what sell lines do you want on a music magazine?

50 quid speaks out
Fake that split
The found reunited
Kangaroo’s first generation sound
Red day American idiot

10 What entertains you in your spare time?

Video games
Computer sites

Friday 11 November 2011

My finished product of the front cover for my school magazine has come out very pleasing. It may have come out pleasing but the making of my front cover was far from it. This is evident within my first attempt. My main image was very successful as I have gone for a 2shot medium close up of two 6th form pupil’s one boy and one girl. I adapted this photo with a picture of the millennium stadium giving of an sporting environment I went for a bright colour scheme as most of my words were white or yellow. Looking at my two drafts I noticed that the layout of the front cover was pretty dull I embraced this and made it more in common with the layout of other magazines. If I were to do this  again I would first improve on my timed schedule for example not leaving it to the last day, second I would think more about were I should take the photo. The third and final substance in which I would improve on is to add more photos to the sale-lines and make the photos good for my target audience.

final design- school magazign front cover

pictures to be used on front cover


Monday 7 November 2011


1 What year group are you in?


2 Which of the following master heads would you prefer?

Schools in
Khs gossip
Student weekly

3 What type of magazines would you like to read?


4 which of the following slogans do you prefer?

Surviving first term
Back to school
Teacher’s secrets
Behind closed doors
Smaller by the years

5 what colours would you like on a school magazine?

 Red and green
Pink and white
Blue and yellow
Gold and black

6. What pictures would you like on a school magazine?

Sports team
Year 7
Six formers

7. What gender are you?

8. What stories would you like to read about in a school magazine?  (Please pick 3)

Teacher’s gossip
Sporting success
Lack of resources
6th form facilities
Canteen food
Khs results
Student gossip
New students

9. How often do you read magazines?

Would you want to by a school magazine ?

Monday 10 October 2011

Within my questionnaire I mostly ask six form pupils and only asking 1 year 7 pupils.  On question 2 the pupils preferred the best   master head to be student weekly with 4 pupils picking this and there least likely one to be schools in with one person liking this.
This left 3 pupils picking khs gossip. In the third question people seem to only like two of the 4 magazines to read. This was a sports Magazine with 5 people picking it then a gossip magazine with 3 people picking it. Throughout the fourth question people mainly preferred the slogan of behind closed doors With 5 people liking it. They also seemed to like teacher’s secrets with 3 people liking it. One person seemed to like surviving 1st term. On the 5th question pupils believe
they would like the colours gold and  black on the school website with 7 people liking it. There was only 1 person who seemed to like the colure of red and green. Question six asked people what pictures they would like on there school magazine 2 people believed a sports team and 6 liked the 6 request of having a six former the front of a school magazine. Throughout the question the majority of the people were male and only 1 was female.
Question eight was asking people what stories would you like to read in the magazine. The most popular was 6th form facilitates with 8 people seeing a liking it. Sporting success was also popular with seven people wanting to have that. The least popular was canteen food with no likes.     Question 9 taught me that the pupils questioned about how often they read magazines, mostly read magazines monthly. Only one person reads weekly .One person also only reads daily. In the last question I asked, would you like to buy a school magazine, within this question it was a split decision.